The Tower at Morgan Hill is a 22-story high-rise apartment building located near downtown Knoxville, Tennessee. PDT provided a performance-based design for the Tower at Morgan Hill. The design took a holistic approach to fire and life safety in an existing building that would otherwise have needed extensive redesign. Through the use of fire modeling, active and passive systems, and extensive communication with the local code officials, the Tower at Morgan Hill is an excellent example of how a performance-based design can be used to transform an existing building that is incapable of meeting current codes into a facility that, holistically, provides an equivalent level of fire and life safety.
PDT provides support to the Eastern Service Area Planning and Requirements EOSH Team and the Fire Life Safety (FLS) Program to conduct fire/life safety evaluations at selected Air Traffic Control Towers (ATCT’s) and Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC’s) to ensure compliance and identify needs. The FLS evaluations support the FLS Program mission to prevent the occurrence and impact of fire and related emergencies to occupants, equipment, facilities, the flying public and emergency responders. Each FLS evaluation includes an inspection of the fire protection and life safety systems and features of the facilities. As part of the evaluation, PDT reviews testing and maintenance records for the fire alarm, fire protection, and stair pressurization systems.
PDT has supported the design and construction of the multiphase renovation of The University of Tennessee’s Neyland Stadium, including the renovation of sky box areas, new club levels, press areas, new concourses, lettermen’s lounge, and locker rooms. The engineering support included evaluation of structural fire resistance and protection needs, fire alarm system design, automatic sprinkler system design (including freeze protection), and egress analysis.
PDT has provided support for a variety of projects for the University of Tennessee System at the Knoxville (UTK) and Chattanooga (UTC) campuses. These projects have included renovations such as Ayers Hall, Thompson-Boling Arena, Hodges Library and McKenzie Arena. PDT has also assisted on new projects such as the Natalie L. Haslam Music Center, University Center, UTC Library, Strong Hall, Cumberland Avenue Science Laboratory Building, and the new Audiology and Speech Pathology Building on the medical campus. This engineering support has included code consulting and performance-based design for subject areas such as atriums, smoke control, egress analysis and fire protection system design.
PDT also provides fire and life safety consultation services for UTK Housing. PDT performs periodic fire and life safety assessments, fire protection system design, training, and cause and origin investigative services.
Catawba Nuclear Station (CNS) and McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS) are nuclear power plants near Charlotte, North Carolina and are operated by Duke Power. PDT provided a complete fire detection and alarm system design and installation support for both facilities. The designs included detailed design drawings, design basis documents, and detailed testing procedures to be incorporated into design packages. PDT provided on-site support during installation and provided certification for all factory acceptance testing (FAT) and site acceptance testing (SAT). At MNS, PDT also provided the fire suppression system design for the new main and step-up transformers that are being replaced.
UPF is a $6.5 billion design and construction project located at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. PDT has provided multiple authors for the UPF Preliminary Fire Hazards Analysis (PFHA). As part of the creation of the PFHA, PDT employees have provided analysis of and design support for various chemical and mechanical processes, Class A and special atmosphere furnaces, building construction, building life safety, building and glovebox fire suppression, fire water supply, building and glovebox fire alarm systems, gas detection systems, and code compliance with the IBC, NFPA codes and standards, DOE standards, and FM Global Data Sheets.