Kenneth W. Dungan, P.E.
Principal Engineer
Mr. Dungan has been practicing fire protection engineering for more than 40 years. He holds his bachelor’s degrees from the University of Maryland, where he majored in Chemical Engineering and Fire Protection Engineering. He earned a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Tennessee. He is a registered professional engineer in Tennessee. His engineering experience has included analysis (both hazard and risk), design, loss investigation and research.
Ken has been an active contributor to the fire protection profession. He is a Past President and Fellow of SFPE, and a recipient of the Harold E. Nelson Service Award. He also served for more than a decade on the Board of Governors of SFPE’s Educational and Scientific Foundation. He has served on several NFPA technical committees and currently serves on the Technical Committees on Initiating Devices, Electric Generating Plants, and Fire Risk Assessment Methods.
Mr. Dungan’s areas of specialization include: Project Management, Analysis, Process Safety Management, Environmental Impact of Fire, Regulatory and Code Compliance, Risk and Cost-Benefits Analysis, Research, Loss Investigation, and Training.